Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Next American Idol is in the House!

Laine Hardy is putting on a Concert tonight just about 8 miles down the road from here.  I kinda wanted to go.  We are all excited about a local area boy making good.  Interesting that it it pretty close to the place where Brittney Spears came from.

The Governor declared today as Laine Hardy Day and there was a parade from the Livingston Parish Courthouse to the State Fair Grounds. We have parades for everything here!

He said the best thing about all this was that he got to eat his Granny’s cooking last night!

He is so cute and I love his singing!

President Trump was west of here in Lake Charles today talking about the LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) produced in this area west of Baton Rouge.  Business is booming with the lowest unemployment in, what, 50 years?  Economy is good here in Louisiana and Texas.  Those who want to work can always find jobs at way higher than minimum wage.  Oil and Gas has been good for Texas and Louisiana  and good for our family.

I had to chuckle though, four of the state Troopers escorting the Presidential motorcade seem to have run into each other......ahhhh, Louisiana.


  1. Down to 3and Lane is one of them. Root on for the local boy. A few years ago one of the idols had family vacationing here and they convinced a local restaurant to promote him for votes. The restaurant caters to older folks is sort of an old diner and lots of old folks voted for him after receiving instructions on how to vote. His picture still hangs in the restaurant.

  2. But we all know some one that says they can't find a job. Got a large lazy streak


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