Monday, June 3, 2019

This is how much I hate binding

I was cleaning up my list of UFOs on the right side of the blog in the header.  I can only attribute it to a poor work ethic and lack of follow through.

Before you feel the urge to say something nice to this employee, keep in mind that for every one you see here’s there are 4 or 5 waiting in the wings.

Plus the fact that there are FIVE, count them FIVE just waiting to have the binding sewn on.

If I were smart, which is becoming less and less a problem, I would sew the binding on all those quilts then sit and sew by hand while I recover next week.

This morning I have physical therapy then I want to go down to the Mississippi River levee and take pics of the height of the water.  Now they are saying the river will crest at 47-49 feet.  That is higher than the levee is rated for.

This was 1 1/2 weeks ago at the River.

Oh, and the teal and white quilt is not mine, I mange to get to it to take it out though, so enjoy it!


  1. did every thing go alright or have they done any thing?

  2. That is scary about the water height. I feel bad for anyone in the path of the water that ends up over the levee. That would be a good idea to get the binding on so you could hand stitch it between naps during your recovery. I wish I was close enough to give you a hand.


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