Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 17 Porch Quilt Show

Day 17 porch Quilt Show. I figured with rain forecast we needed a bright quilt to shine out. This one is a Judy Laquidara pattern called Beacon wood or Beacon Signal or something like that. Oh maybe Harbor Lights.  It’s been a while I can’t remember.

Mine is done with a great African Print and called African Women Don’t Give Rocks.  There is a saying there that means the women don’t have time to care what the men think, they are too busy keeping their families together.

During the flood this quilt was underwater for a while and the chemicals in the water caused the batik dyes to run.  Then dog chewed a hole in a part of it. But since it has hung in three shows, and won a couple awards, it still has a lot of meaning to me. #quiltswissy #quiltsanddogs #porchquiltshow #africanwomen


  1. That quilt has been thru a lot and is a survivor! That was a great idea of hanging a sunny quilt on a rainy day.

  2. Love seeing your 'beauties' in your window and I'm sure so do your neighbors and friends! A good idea!

  3. Every reminder of survival needs to be in this show. You are a survivor, this quilt is a survivor and we can be survivors if we follow the guidelines. This is a beautiful quilt with a great message.


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